Meet InnaLabs® at GNC 2017, 29 May – 2 June 2017, Salzburg, Austria.

InnaLabs® will be attending the annual Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems Conference in Salzburg, Austria. This is the 10th year that the European Space Agency has held this conference and it has ultimately created an opportunity for the promotion of GNC activities ideas and products.

The Product and Poster Exhibition will have an extended dedicated session on 30 May 2017. The aim of the exhibition is to provide a platform for manufacturers of products used in the GNC subsystems to publicise and promote their products and for the potential users to obtain a full and up to date overview of the currently available and next generation products.

The scope of the exhibition includes:

  • Sensors for AOCS/GNC
  • Actuators for AOCS/GNC
  • AOCS/GNC Simulation sw tools
  • AOCS/GNC Design sw tools
  • AOCS/GNC Detector Technology demonstrators

To find out more about how InnaLabs® inertial sensors can help you meet the challenges of your next program contact us to arrange a meeting with our inertial sensor experts.