InnaLabs® High Performance CVG for Tactical and Stabilisation Applications

When choosing or using a gyroscope focused on fulfilling the operational requirements of inertial systems seeking tactical grade performance, specifications such as low output noise, low bias error, large bandwidth, linearity, accuracy, small size, low weight, robustness and high reliability should be considered by sensor designers, system integrators and OEMs.

Coriolis vibratory gyroscopes are gyroscopes that use a vibrating structure to determine the rate of rotation. The underlying physical principle is that a vibrating object tends to continue vibrating in the same plane even if its support rotates. The Coriolis effect causes the object to exert a force on its support, and by measuring this force the rate of rotation can be determined.

CVG technology is the most widely used for tactical applications because of its ability to meet demanding requirements imposed by such systems and its relative ease of manufacturability which drives low costs.

CVG gyroscopes have many advantages over traditional spinning gyroscopes, but also over gyroscopes based on fibre-optic or laser technologies, namely their stronger structure and lower power consumption.  They are manufactured from only a few parts versus conventional gyroscopes and as a result, are more rugged, cheaper and can be mass produced.  Micro Electro Mechanical (MEMS) sensor technology has pushed the envelope with regard to the size, integration levels and high volume production being achieved.  However, this does not always mean that the performance needs are being met.  InnaLabs® CVG gyroscopes can fulfil all these requirements.  Mr Rabi Shankar Swain, an InnaLabs Applications Engineer recently delivered a workshop on this subject at the 4th Electronics Valley Military Seminar and Exhibition in Ankara Turkey.

The presentation focused on the key features of Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes (CVG) which are integrated into attitude control and navigation systems, motion control systems and stabilisation systems operating under stringent conditions, at sea, on land or in air. These robust systems should provide years of reliable service, typically over the full-life-cycle, given proper installation, use and environmental conditions.

After a brief description of the basic physical principles and an overview of the key manufacturing processes developed by InnaLabs®, this presentation provides some results recorded on the GI-CVG-U2x00A, GI-CVG-U1x00A and GI-CVG-U2x00D gyroscope variants. Some key performance parameters are presented, such as the bias and scale factor stability over temperature and over time, in-run bias stability, scale factor linearity, angular random walk, the output noise, and the sensitivity to shock and vibration.

These results demonstrate the capabilities of the InnaLabs® Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscope range. These products provide a European source of high-grade gyroscopes for applications requiring tactical and industrial grade performance. Engineers who design and implement inertial sensors, controls engineers, system integrators, OEMs, experts in navigation, stabilization, airborne, land, and marine systems are welcome to request a copy of this presentation.


About InnaLabs:

InnaLabs® Ltd is an Irish company based in Dublin which designs and manufactures ITAR-Free high-performance inertial sensors, including tactical grade Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes and navigation grade, Quartz Servo Accelerometers. InnaLabs® offer solutions for the aerospace, defence, subsea,

marine, space, energy, civil engineering, transportation and industrial markets. The company has recently completed the development of a range of specialist Coriolis Vibrating Gyroscopes which are today used in a variety of stabilisation and tactical applications. For more information please visit us at


Contact Us:

InnaLabs® Ltd

Tel: +353 (0)1 8096200

